Monday, August 31, 2020

January to June

Well, lots has happened over the past few months, and it looks to be a very different year than what we expected.
I've been doing a few creative things, trying some new crafts and different techniques

At the library I used to work at, I was doing some adult craft programs, and in January I tried out some clay projects. This is a clay that is set by baking on low heat. I mixed different colours, and then added some metallic paint on the edges afterwards. I also added a stamped design to the bottom of one piece. Another creation is a simple chrysanthemum ring. I chose a blue one and a matte silver base and think it looks good. That was super simple, just gluing the two parts together.

In February I tried out paper quilling for the first time. I quite enjoyed it, and so did the one person who came out. She is a teacher and tried it in her grade three class and it was very successful.
Here's what I made in the program.

We started out with the thick felt heart (from Michaels) and then took the smaller wood heart and painted it with acrylic paint. The paper quills were made in different sizes from a variety of red and pink quilling papers, and then glued to the wood heart. For a couple of the bigger diameter quilled circles, I put stick-on gems over the middle. I think it turned out pretty good.

Punch Needle
I got a punch needle kit through Kiwi and tryed my hand at designing and executing a pillow. The kit included a few balls of wool, a punch needle, a threader, a pillow form, a piece of woven cloth with pillowback pieces attached, and needles and thread to sew it into a pillow. It also had some patterns and some blank pieces of paper to create your own patterns, which I did.
I love cats, and so did a cat design. Played with the limited colours of wool that came with the kit. I have to say that while it was interesting to learn, I didn't love this. The frame provided didn't keep the fabric taut with the effort needed to punch the needle through it, and the threader broke within the first hour of stitching, so after that I watched my thread level and tied the next piece on, doing the same when switching colours.

I worked on a few things. First a simple kit that I got from a friend with the words New Zealand and some Kiwis on it. My niece went there last year, so I ordered some backing fabric with kiwis on it, and sewed it into a bolster style pillow

I finished an alphabet piece for a gift (so no picture until later this year), and I also worked on some others pieces that are still in progress.
These include a red-themed piece, a canvas piece with beads, and a couple of small experimental pieces.

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